Here's some pictures as a preview of my bedroom recording studio. It looks really messy, but this is the place where I do my stuffs. It is really difficult to record with a mic in the room, due to the concrete wall and the size of the room that causing bad acoustics response. But I will keep on learning and keep finding ideas how to do recordings in better way, and I hope that one day I can have at least a Bass guitar and Drums set in that room too (or may be another new and bigger room specially made for recording).
All the musical instruments that I have recorded in this room are only monitored using my headphone, except vocals and acoustic guitar. I don't have any amps or loud speakers yet. Even If I have it, it will be useless, my neighbors might complains. And that is why I usually records vocals one times or as quick as possible, and trying so hard to avoid mistakes. Because I don't want to end up, waking up the neighborhood and make them angry. The worst part is when the noises from the outside of my room, which is not suppose to be recorded is unavoidably recorded. So it often makes me waits and it caused me to choose midnights to do recording, and sometimes I had to whisper just to record my voice. lol.
Oh well, I guess may be I've made too much complaining here. lol. But what could I do. I'm just an independent artist, and I could only use my spare times for this. So I will just leave the rest to God. May one day my dreams will be come true. I am grateful to go this far. I just hope that people will learn to appreciates Independent works. Thank you for watching this short video. God bless. :)
Acoustica Mixcraft 5
Acoustica Beatcraft 1.0
Waves GTR3
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